Welcome to pyransame’s documentation!#

PYthon RAndom SAmpling for MEshes (pyransame) chooses random samples of points within cells of PyVista meshes.

A compressed example from Random Surface Sampling. First load packages and convert data units.

>>> import pyransame
>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> from pyvista import examples
>>> antarctica = examples.download_antarctica_velocity()
>>> antarctica.points /= 1000.  # convert to kilometers

Sample points on mesh using pyransame.

>>> points = pyransame.random_surface_dataset(antarctica, 500)

Plot points on mesh.

>>> pl = pv.Plotter()
>>> pl.add_mesh(antarctica, color='tan')
>>> spheres = points.glyph(geom=pv.Sphere(radius=50), scale=False, orient=False)
>>> pl.add_mesh(spheres, scalars="ssavelocity", clim=[0, 750])
>>> pl.view_xy()
>>> pl.show()

For more usage see Examples.

Indices and tables#